Simply the best physical therapy center in Somerville NJ

ABC Physical Therapy Center is simply the best physical therapy center in Somerville NJ. Our physical therapy center has:

  1. Massage
  2. Electrical stimulation physical therapy treatments.
  3. Ultrasound physical therapy treatments
  4. Moist heat therapy
  5. Excellent physical therapy equipment
  6. Private rooms so you can relax and do your physical therapy in privacy
  7. Our physical therapist in Somerville NJ is in network participating with most health insurance plans
  8. Past patients who were injured by sports injuries or had orthopaedic injuries, conditions have told us that our physical therapy center in Somerville NJ is simply the best.

If you need physical therapy in Somerville New Jersey our physical therapist is here to help you with our comprehensive physical therapy treatments. Lots of our patients are referred to us by Doctors, Podiatrists, Orthopedic Doctors, Pain Doctors in Somerville NJ. Our physical therapy center is well known in Somerville NJ and our physical therapist can help you if you have:

  1. Chronic pain
  2. Left neck pain
  3. Cervical pain
  4. Rotator Cuff Tear
  5. Shoulder pain
  6. Back pain
  7. Elbow pain
  8. Wrist pain
  9. Hip pain
  10. Knee pain
  11. Ankle pain
  12. Fibromyalgia pain

Sometimes the best way to find the best physical therapy center in Somerville NJ is just to ask friends or coworkers or Doctors offices. Our physical therapy center in Somerville NJ is here to help you with our physical therapy treatments and massage if needed. Call us: 908-218-4244. See our website We would love to help you. Call us: (908) 218-4244. See our website 

Our physical therapy center in Somerville NJ has private rooms, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation therapy, massage, moist heat.

Our physical therapy center in Somerville NJ has private rooms, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation therapy, massage, moist heat and is in network participating with most heatlh insurance plans. We are simply the best physical therapy center in Somerville New Jersey.