Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist Manville NJ

If you need physical therapy or a physical therapist in Manville NJ our physical therapy center is minutes away from Manville NJ and can help if you had surgery or sports injury or have neck pain, shoulder pain or spine pain.

Our physical therapist has ultrasound therapy, massage, electrical stimulation, moist heat and private rooms.

Finding a great  physical therapist in Manville New Jersey can be hard but our physical therapist is In Network Participating with health insurance plans and has great physical therapy equipment.

Lots of health care providers: Doctor, Podiatrist, Pain Doctor, Orthopedic Doctor in Manville NJ send us patients with physical therapy prescriptions because we are participating with their health insurance plan and our past physical therapy patients have told the Doctors how they loved coming to our physical therapy clinic near Manville New Jersey.

Give us a call: 908-218-4244. See our website:

Let us help you with our comprehensive physical therapy treatments and again we are minutes away from Manville New Jersey.

If you need physical therapy in Manville NJ our physical therapy center is minutes away  and has ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation therapy, massage.

If you need physical therapy in Manville NJ our physical therapy center is minutes away and has ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation therapy, massage.